Maison 10 Artistic Effects With Wall Graphics


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Maison 10 Installation

Maison 10, a high-end design boutique and art gallery, recently utilized our Large Format department to complete the branding of their NoMad gallery and concept storefront. Looking to add to their spatial experience, Maison 10 reached out to us to source the perfect materials for their branding. Transparent, frosted vinyl and matte white vinyl lettering were used to create a multimedia experience in their gallery space. Branded videos are projected onto their windows using a transparent, frosted Vinyl Substrate – creating a holographic effect on the exterior windows. The Boutique’s mission statement makes a sharp appearance in white cut vinyl on a black interior wall. The adhesive vinyl products utilized in this project are easy to install, customizable, and durable – allowing for creative projects and presentations that quickly transform a space. Cut vinyl is ideal for these applications as it allows for cost-effective branding that is simple to apply and non-damaging when replaced. These traits make the materials perfect for continual updating of spatial branding. Maison 10’s creative utilization of these vinyl pieces highlights the myriad of applications possible with the adhesive vinyl products we carry at GSB Digital. See more of Maison 10’s work on their website:
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