Changes for In The Loupe

After 3 years and 12 editions of GSB Digital’s newsletter, we feel that it’s time to explore our love/hate relationship with change. We all have this relationship with change. If things stay stagnant for too long, we get terribly bored. However, when too many things change all at once, we find ourselves desperately seeking the comfort of the familiar. Nonetheless, we all know change is good. Here are a few reasons why we think so.

1. Change makes us flexible and shows growth.
Being stubborn and resistant to new things can leave you in the dust. GSB Digital has always had this mentality when it comes to adapting to new print technologies, software, and processes. We attribute this to our success in the industry.

2. Change makes us smarter.
If things never changed, you’d never learn anything new. This was the attitude we had when approaching wrapping a race car (see page 4), and it’s the approach we are going to take when exploring new formats and timelines for our newsletter.

3. Change creates new opportunities.
We are curious about what opportunities lie ahead and we are looking for your feedback. If you would like to contribute to the future of In The Loupe – look for our “Change is Good” survey in your inbox, or contact us to share some of your favorite issues, sections or articles.

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