Incorporate Digital Embellishments Into Marketing

Modern marketing relies most heavily on visual and audible responses—logos, online ads, and slogans permeate marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes and within every industry. Modern marketing strategies have begun to utilize the sense of touch in addition to sight and sound, as studies have shown that touch has a powerful impact on consumers’ buying decisions.

In fact, according to the Centre for Experimental Consumer Psychology at Bangor University, “Tangible materials leave a deeper footprint in the brain.”

In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of utilizing haptic marketing with digital embellishments to supplement your digital campaign strategies.

What Is Haptics?

Information gathered through physical touch, or haptics, increases consumers’ sentiment, sense of ownership, perceived product value, and confidence in a product and therefore presents itself as a powerful tool for businesses. Haptic marketing provides a competitive edge for companies looking to convince their customers in innovative, tactile ways.

Harness the Power of Haptics through Digital Embellishments

Digital embellishments elevate the power of touch on printed materials. They add dimension by creating texture or even enhancing textures already present on the printed image. Whether you want to enhance colors on your piece, bring textured patterns to life, or add some shine with digital foil, adding these tactile elements give consumers a deeper interaction with your products. Digital embellishments boost your print marketing efforts because they:

  • Add value

As referenced above, tangible experiences equate to higher perceived value of a product. That means that your customers consider your product worth more money from an engaging and stimulating hands-on experience.

  • Are memorable

With digital dominating as the go-to marketing channel, now is a better time that ever to diversify your approach and stand out to your clients with tangible marketing efforts. Why wouldn’t you want your product or service to leave that deeper footprint on the brains of your target market?

  • Attract & engage clients:

Customization in hands-on marketing collateral demand attention in an ever more paperless world. Engage your clients with interactive experiences that make them feel one-of-a-kind and want to associate with your brand.

  • Increase product and brand confidence:

Proactively influence your brand perception through the tactile quality of a printed piece. Tangibility, as mentioned above, instills confidence in buyers and makes them more likely to make a positive purchase decision. That deep footprint left in the brain also comes into play when considering the impact of your brand as a whole. The positive associations created lead to increased brand confidence and returning customers.

GSB Digital is the first to offer Scodix embellishment technology in New York. Want to learn more about the process of utilizing the digital embellishment options above? Contact our experts. 

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